Strategic Doing IOWA/U.S.A./WORLD

Strategic Doing is a powerful and practical strategy that is used by RegenIOWA as an operational platform to empower organizations and communities to collaboratively tackle complex challenges and achieve tangible results. In association with Strategic Doing IOWA, we are harnessing the collective intelligence of diverse stakeholders. Strategic Doing provides a flexible and adaptive framework for navigating uncertainty and creating positive change. From economic development and innovation to community building and organizational strategy, Strategic Doing offers a dynamic approach that unlocks the full potential of collaboration to solve Climate, Hunger, and Food Insecurity and transform the future of agriculture.

Strategic Doing is also a cutting-edge collaborative approach that empowers organizations and communities to thrive in our complex and rapidly changing world. Developed by Ed Morrison and his team at the Purdue Agile Strategy Lab, Strategic Doing offers a dynamic framework to tackle challenges and seize opportunities with agility, innovation, and collaboration.

With Strategic Doing, you’ll break free from the constraints of traditional strategic planning and unleash the full potential of your organization or community. Say goodbye to slow and rigid approaches, and say hello to a new era of collaborative strategy-making that drives results and creates positive change.

Imagine sparking creativity, generating and validating bold new ideas, fostering networks and partnerships, and embracing technology-driven innovation. Strategic Doing enables you to tap into the power of entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development, creating a vibrant ecosystem that fuels growth and prosperity.

Whether you’re a business leader, a community organizer, or a policy maker, Strategic Doing is the game-changing strategy you need for the future. Join the ranks of successful organizations and communities around the world that have embraced Strategic Doing as a catalyst for meaningful change.

A Brief History

Strategic Doing is a collaborative approach to strategy development and implementation that was developed by Ed Morrison and his colleagues at the Purdue Agile Strategy Lab in the United States. It originated from the research and practice of Ed Morrison, who has extensive experience in economic development and strategy.

The concept of Strategic Doing emerged in the early 2000s as a response to the need for more agile and collaborative approaches to tackle complex and rapidly changing challenges faced by organizations and communities. Morrison and his team recognized that traditional strategic planning processes were often too slow, rigid, and hierarchical to effectively address the challenges of the modern world.

Drawing upon principles from complexity science, network theory, and design thinking, Morrison and his colleagues developed the Strategic Doing approach. The method emphasizes collaboration, agility, and action-oriented strategies, with a focus on creating tangible outcomes through iterative cycles of planning, implementation, and feedback.

Over the years, Strategic Doing has gained recognition as a powerful approach to strategy development and implementation in a wide range of contexts, including economic development, innovation ecosystems, community development, and business strategy. It has been applied in diverse settings, from local communities to large organizations, and has been adopted by practitioners around the world as a flexible and effective approach to collaborative strategy-making. Today, Strategic Doing continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of organizations and communities, helping them navigate the complexities of the modern world and achieve their desired outcomes.

Economic Development

Startup Incubator, New York City, USA

Strategic Doing has been employed by the Startup Incubator in New York City to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. By providing a collaborative space for startups to work, access to funding, mentorship, and resources, the Startup Incubator has facilitated the development of numerous successful startups such as Warby Parker, Blue Apron, and Etsy. Strategic Doing has been instrumental in fostering a supportive ecosystem for innovation, enabling startups to thrive and contribute to economic growth in New York City.

Collaborative Magic: Strategic Doing brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, from businesses to community organizations, to work collaboratively and develop actionable strategies for economic development. This collaborative approach unleashes the collective power of the community, leading to innovative solutions and sustainable economic growth.

Agile Adaptability: Strategic Doing recognizes that economic development is dynamic and ever-changing. It emphasizes flexible and adaptive strategies that can be adjusted in real-time, allowing for quick responses to evolving trends and market forces. This agility ensures that economic development efforts stay relevant and effective.

Innovation District, Boston, USA

Strategic Doing has played a pivotal role in the economic growth and development of the Innovation District in Boston. Through collaborative efforts among businesses, academia, and government, the Innovation District has become a thriving hub for startups, tech companies, and research institutions. Companies such as GE, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, and MassChallenge have established a strong presence in the area, contributing to job creation, increased investment, and economic prosperity in Boston.

Innovation Lab, Stockholm, Sweden

Strategic Doing has been applied by the Innovation Lab in Stockholm to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. Through collaborative efforts among startups, academia, and industry, the Innovation Lab has facilitated the development of innovative solutions in areas such as sustainability, healthtech, and clean energy. Noteworthy startups that have emerged from the Innovation Lab include Klarna, Spotify, and iZettle, which have made significant contributions to the innovation landscape and economic development in Stockholm and beyond.

Action-Packed Focus: Strategic Doing is all about taking action and getting results. It encourages a bias towards action, experimentation, and learning by doing. Through rapid prototyping and testing, Strategic Doing identifies and scales successful initiatives while learning from failures. This action-oriented approach fosters a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, driving economic development forward.

Silicon Valley, California, USA

Strategic Doing has been utilized in Silicon Valley, known as the global epicenter of technology and innovation, to foster the growth of startups and entrepreneurship. Through collaborative efforts among renowned technology companies such as Google, Apple, and Facebook, as well as prestigious universities like Stanford, Strategic Doing has helped create a conducive ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship. This has resulted in the emergence of groundbreaking technology startups such as Airbnb, Uber, and Tesla, contributing to the economic growth and global influence of Silicon Valley.

Idea Generation and Validation: Strategic Doing provides a structured framework for organizations to generate and validate new ideas. It encourages collaborative brainstorming and ideation sessions, where diverse perspectives are brought together to spark creativity and generate innovative concepts. Through the use of strategic conversations and design thinking techniques, Strategic Doing helps organizations identify the most promising ideas and validate them through experimentation, market research, and feasibility assessments.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development: Strategic Doing emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurship. It encourages organizations to foster networks, partnerships, and collaborations that facilitate the development of a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem. This includes connecting entrepreneurs with mentors, investors, and other resources, as well as creating a supportive regulatory and policy environment. By fostering a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, Strategic Doing helps organizations create an environment that nurtures and accelerates the growth of new businesses and technology-driven startups.

Bengaluru, India

Strategic Doing has been employed in Bangalore, also known as the "Silicon Valley of India," to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the technology sector. Through collaborative initiatives among prominent technology companies such as Infosys, Wipro, and Flipkart, as well as government support and investment in research and development, Strategic Doing has facilitated the growth of a vibrant tech ecosystem in Bangalore. This has resulted in the emergence of successful tech startups such as Ola, InMobi, and Swiggy, driving economic growth and job creation in the region.

Tel Aviv, Israel

Strategic Doing has been applied in Tel Aviv, known as the "Startup Nation," to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the technology and cybersecurity industries. Through collaborative efforts among startups, venture capital firms, and research institutions, Strategic Doing has fostered a supportive ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship in Tel Aviv. This has resulted in the emergence of cutting-edge technology startups such as Waze, Mobileye, and Check Point, positioning Tel Aviv as a global leader in technology and entrepreneurship and driving economic growth in the region.

Technology and Business Model Innovation: Strategic Doing encourages organizations to embrace technology and business model innovation as key drivers of entrepreneurship. It emphasizes the need to continuously adapt and evolve business models and leverage technological advancements to create new products, services, and markets. Strategic Doing helps organizations identify emerging technologies, evaluate their potential impact, and develop strategies to leverage them for business growth and market disruption. By embracing technology and business model innovation, Strategic Doing enables organizations to stay ahead of the curve and create new opportunities for entrepreneurship and economic growth.

Inclusive Collaboration: Strategic Doing encourages inclusive collaboration among diverse stakeholders within a community, such as local residents, nonprofits, businesses, and government agencies. This collaborative approach ensures that all voices are heard and considered, leading to community-driven solutions that address the unique needs and aspirations of the community.

Rust Belt Revitalization, USA

Strategic Doing has been a driving force in the economic development and community engagement efforts in the Rust Belt region of the United States. Cities like Detroit, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh have utilized the Strategic Doing framework to revitalize their economies and rebuild their communities. By fostering collaboration among businesses, local governments, nonprofits, and community organizations, the Rust Belt has seen the resurgence of manufacturing, the growth of innovative startups, and the creation of new jobs, resulting in a revitalized local economy and improved quality of life for residents.

Green Energy Transition, Denmark

Strategic Doing has played a pivotal role in Denmark's transition to a green energy economy. Through collaborative efforts among government agencies, research institutions, and private companies, Denmark has become a global leader in renewable energy. Companies like Vestas, Ørsted, and Danfoss have emerged as global players in the green energy sector, driving economic growth, job creation, and sustainable community development in Denmark.

Adaptive Planning: Strategic Doing promotes adaptive planning that is responsive to the ever-changing dynamics of a community. It involves iterative and flexible goal-setting, monitoring progress, and making adjustments as needed to achieve desired outcomes. This adaptive planning approach allows communities to be agile and responsive to changing circumstances, which is essential for effective community development.

Community Development

Resource Mobilization & Capacity Building: Strategic Doing helps communities identify and leverage available resources, such as funding, expertise, and community assets, to support community development initiatives. It also emphasizes capacity building through skill-building workshops, training sessions, and mentoring, equipping community members with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to effectively lead and implement community development projects.

Social Entrepreneurship, Nairobi, Kenya

Strategic Doing has been instrumental in promoting community engagement and economic development through social entrepreneurship in Nairobi, Kenya. Organizations like the AkiraChix, a tech innovation hub for women, and the Umande Trust, a social enterprise focused on sustainable sanitation solutions, have leveraged the Strategic Doing framework to create social impact and drive economic development in underserved communities. These efforts have resulted in increased employment opportunities, improved living standards, and empowered communities in Nairobi.

Organizational Strategy

Collaborative Approach: Strategic Doing emphasizes collaboration and involving diverse stakeholders in the strategy development process. By bringing together different perspectives, expertise, and insights, organizations can develop more comprehensive and robust strategies that align with their vision, goals, and external environment. This collaborative approach promotes ownership, buy-in, and collective intelligence, leading to better decision-making and more effective strategy development.

Agile Transformation, Toyota, Japan

Strategic Doing has played a crucial role in Toyota's organizational strategy and development, enabling the company to embrace agile practices and adapt to changing market dynamics. This has resulted in improved product development processes, increased innovation, and enhanced competitiveness in the automotive industry.

Digital Transformation, Amazon, USA

Strategic Doing has driven Amazon's digital transformation, helping the company to continually innovate and disrupt traditional retail models. Through collaborative efforts and strategic planning, Amazon has expanded its business into new markets, transformed customer experiences, and achieved remarkable growth as a global e-commerce giant.

Agility and Action-oriented Strategies: Strategic Doing promotes an agile and action-oriented approach to strategy development. It encourages organizations to focus on tangible actions and iterative adjustments based on feedback and results. This allows organizations to adapt and respond to changing internal and external conditions, seize opportunities, and overcome challenges. It fosters a culture of innovation, experimentation, and continuous improvement, enabling organizations to be more adaptive and competitive in a dynamic business environment.

Results-driven and Metrics-oriented: Strategic Doing emphasizes setting clear outcomes, metrics, and measures of success for strategic initiatives. This promotes a results-driven approach to strategy execution, where progress is regularly monitored and measured against defined objectives. It provides a basis for data-driven decision-making, accountability, and performance measurement. Organizations can track progress, make informed adjustments, and ensure that their strategies are aligned with desired outcomes.

Sustainability Strategy, Patagonia, USA

Strategic Doing has guided Patagonia, an outdoor clothing company, in developing and implementing a sustainability strategy. This has involved collaborative efforts with supply chain partners, advocacy groups, and customers to promote environmentally responsible practices. As a result, Patagonia has become a leader in sustainable business practices, driving positive social and environmental impact while achieving business success.

Brownfield Redevelopment, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Strategic Doing has been a catalyst for public policies and government decisions that have resulted in significant community improvements in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The city's revitalization efforts, led by organizations such as the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce and the River City Company, have utilized the Strategic Doing framework to foster collaboration among businesses, government agencies, and community groups. This has resulted in policies to incentivize brownfield redevelopment, such as tax breaks and grants for businesses that revitalize contaminated sites, leading to the creation of new businesses, jobs, and increased economic activity in the area.

Cross-Sector Collaboration: Strategic Doing encourages collaboration among different stakeholders, including government agencies, private organizations, community groups, and citizens. This collaborative approach facilitates the sharing of diverse perspectives, expertise, and resources, leading to more informed and inclusive decision-making. It allows for the integration of multiple perspectives, interests, and priorities in the policy development process, resulting in more comprehensive and sustainable policies that address complex societal challenges.

Public Policy & Government

Adaptive Policy Making: Strategic Doing promotes an adaptive and iterative approach to policy making. It emphasizes the importance of experimentation, learning, and flexibility in policy design and implementation. This allows policymakers to respond to changing circumstances, new information, and feedback from stakeholders. It helps identify and address policy gaps, refine strategies, and optimize policy outcomes over time. This adaptive approach enables policymakers to be more responsive, effective, and resilient in the face of uncertainties and changing dynamics.

Innovation District, Barcelona, Spain

Strategic Doing has been at the forefront of driving public policies and government decisions in Barcelona, Spain, to promote innovation districts. Through collaborative efforts among the city government, research institutions, and technology companies, Barcelona has established innovation districts where businesses, academia, and research institutions co-locate to drive innovation and economic growth. This has resulted in policies to support innovation clusters, such as providing funding and resources for startups, creating favorable regulatory environments, and fostering collaboration between academia and industry, leading to the creation of a vibrant ecosystem of innovation-driven businesses and increased economic opportunities.

Rural Entrepreneurship, Oita Prefecture, Japan

Strategic Doing has played a pivotal role in shaping public policies and government decisions in Oita Prefecture, Japan, to promote rural entrepreneurship. The region has faced challenges due to declining population and economic stagnation in rural areas. However, through the Strategic Doing framework, local government agencies, community organizations, and businesses have come together to develop policies to support rural entrepreneurship, such as providing grants and loans for rural startups, establishing business incubators in rural areas, and creating networks for knowledge-sharing and collaboration among rural entrepreneurs. These policies have helped to foster a culture of entrepreneurship, stimulate economic growth, and revitalize rural communities in Oita Prefecture.

Data-driven Decision Making: Strategic Doing encourages evidence-based decision-making in policy development. It emphasizes the use of data and metrics to inform policy choices, monitor progress, and measure outcomes. This data-driven approach helps policymakers make informed decisions based on objective evidence, rather than relying solely on opinions or assumptions. It promotes transparency, accountability, and legitimacy in the policy development process, leading to more effective and credible policies that are supported by robust evidence.

Community-Led Solutions: Strategic Doing brings together diverse stakeholders in collaborative workshops to identify and prioritize local food insecurity issues, set goals, and develop action plans. This empowers communities to drive their own solutions with collective efforts and local resources.

Community Food Access Initiative, Kroger, USA

Strategic Doing has been instrumental in Kroger's community food access initiative, which aims to address food insecurity in underserved communities. Through collaborative efforts with local organizations and government agencies, Kroger has implemented programs such as mobile food markets and community gardens, providing fresh produce and nutritious food to communities in need.

Sustainable Agriculture Project, Nestlé, Switzerland

Strategic Doing has guided Nestlé in its sustainable agriculture project, which focuses on improving food security in farming communities. Through collaborative partnerships with local farmers, NGOs, and governments, Nestlé has implemented sustainable farming practices, provided training and resources, and supported local economies, leading to increased food production, improved livelihoods, and enhanced food security.

Innovative Partnerships: Strategic Doing encourages creative partnerships among local businesses, farmers, and organizations to increase access to fresh produce and optimize food distribution. This can involve new distribution channels, coordinated donations, and technology-driven solutions for efficient food resource management.


Holistic Approach: Strategic Doing recognizes that addressing food insecurity requires a comprehensive approach. It promotes efforts to not only address immediate hunger needs but also tackle underlying causes, such as economic development, education, healthcare, and policy advocacy. This holistic approach creates sustainable solutions for long-term impact.

Hunger Relief Program, Food Bank for New York City, USA

Strategic Doing has played a key role in the Food Bank for New York City's hunger relief program, which addresses food insecurity in vulnerable communities. Through collaborative efforts with corporate partners, volunteers, and local organizations, the Food Bank has implemented food distribution programs, meal programs for children and seniors, and nutrition education initiatives, helping to reduce food insecurity and improve community well-being.