Welcome to RegenIOWA and the RegenAG BIG 10 - A New Chapter in a New Story for a Regenerative and Finer Future for Nature, and for our People and Planet!
This is a Special Invitation to our Youth, Women, Community, Business and Governmental Leaders to join a BOLD, and Massive Regenerative Movement to Transform the Future of Our World with a New Sense of Urgency, and with SPEED & SCALE.
Envision with us a massive Local to Global Collaboration and effort to heal the Health, and Biology of our WHOLE Planet. All humans are biological beings, and all of life on Planet Earth is biological and provided by Nature. The entire planet is one giant biological metabolism whereby matter is cycled through organisms at different scales to enable our planet to flourish with living systems.
On December 5, 2022, World Soil Day, we introduced this new era and paradigm in Regenerative Agriculture that is Soil and Biologically-Based. Nearly 700 farmers attended our Big Soil and Health Event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and we began the next Green Revolution with More Green. This means:
More Green in Yield, Profit and ROI for our farmers More Green and Nutrient Density in Food so we can make Food our Medicine
More Green in our Conservation practices with More Green Spaces and Trees being planted in our communities and around the world; and finally A Greener Circular Economy and System that is Regenerative and Nature-Based by design.

Join our Massive Movement to restart the UN COP – Conferences Of the Parties, that have been going on for nearly three decades, and unfortunately have little to show in the way of success.
We invite you to join our Regen Terra Carta and the Makeover of our Green Revolution, enhanced and empowered with 10,000 Days of Blue! The 10,000 Days of Blue campaign is about addressing the excess carbon in the air. The Blue is CO2 that needs to be captured from the air to Blue up the Sky, and help Green up our Soils, Plants and Microbiology to increase yield, profit and nutrient density in what our Regen Farmers are growing. Our 10,000 Days of Blue began 12.5.2022 and ends 4.22.2050 on Earth Day 2050. It is to be part of the Regen Game we are creating with our gaming partners in the Netherlands and Germany, and will be designed to accelerate Carbon Sequestration past the goal of ZERO CARBON by 2050, to Negative Carbon by 2-3X with our Certified Regenerative AG Farmer Partners starting in 2023, that are being trained to grow Healthy Soil Biomes which is the secret.
Following the lead of former Prince Charles of Wales and his Terra Carta – Sustainable Markets Initiative, Regen Terra Carta (RTC) in Rural America is a New Era in Regenerative Agriculture and Soil Biology. It comes to our Rural and Urban Communities with a New Era in Human Mindsets and Consciousness, and a New Game in Life to address the Climate Crisis, Global Hunger and Food Insecurity, and the Future in Feeding the World with More Green in our Farming Practices, and with Reinvented Food Supply Chains.
Imagine the Green Revolution Reinvented, Regenerated, and Resilient to meet the needs of modern day Earth in Crisis.
You can join an Exciting, Extraordinary, Exponential, and Fun Initiative that is in the process of being gamified and made into a Game so we can have FUN at this and cause 10-100X in Strategic Doing and Action Steps, versus 1 - 2X - 1 to 2 Steps. Join in this new era that understands the Sacredness of Nature and Celebrates the Diversity and Health of our People and Planet!

Our planet's food and water systems are in crisis due to the degradation of topsoil and the Earth's microbiome, caused by conventional and chemical-dominated agriculture.
To course correct and ensure a sustainable future, we must prioritize regenerating soil health and farming practices, and increasing farmer profitability.

Modeled after the Terra Carta Sustainable Markets Initiative by the former Prince of Wales, Sir Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, our version goes beyond Sustainability to Regenerative. Why? Because nothing Human Made in our Socio-Eco-Enviro-Polity World is truly Sustainable. In order to survive the Anthropocentric Crisis we are facing, “everything” must be Rethought, Reinvented, and Regenerated.
Our Regen Terra Carta is not only Bold, but also exciting, with New Planning and Strategic Doing Leadership being implemented by communities, organizations, states, provinces, and nations all over the world. (See Strategic Doing Leadership on a RegenIOWA linked page for more information.)
The Regen Terra Carta (RTC) is a Massive Movement and Global Game aimed at Regenerating a Healthy and Finer Future for all of us. (More details about our Global Game Changing-Challenge can be found on a RegenIOWA linked page. Imagine engaging your organization and community in Change and Transformation in a way that is both challenging and FUN?)
In addition to the Deep and Hyper-Collaborative Strategic Doing Initiative and Campaign that we are Gamifying and putting together at RegenIOWA, we are also partnering with the World Food Bank and 10 key Early Adopter Agricultural States (IA.NE.CO.CA.TX.OH.IL.WS.MO.NC) to build state-by-state models for our Local-to-Global Mission that began on World Soil Day in Iowa and the Heartland of America on 12.5.22.
Our Vision is in support of the Regen10 Initiative created by a team of organizations at the Rockefeller Foundation and Vision 2050, created by WBCSD, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. These collective and collaborative efforts are expected to continue from 2023 to 2030 to 2050 and will culminate on Earth Day 80 April 22, 2050, after the implementation of 10,000 Days of BLUE CO2, and the Strategic Doing/ACTION needed to achieve the Massive Transformation of a Regenerated and Restored Earth.
Join Regen Terra Carta and be part of the One SOIL – One HEALTH – One EARTH SOLUTION.
Undoing Man’s Pretensions: The Path to Regenerative and Sustainable Agriculture
If we are going to undo Man’s pretensions and become truly Regenerative and Sustainable, we need to start by reducing the amount of Carbon in the atmosphere with Speed and Scale. We must regenerate the health and biology of our global topsoil and begin sequestering the excess carbon we are emitting into the atmosphere due to the sophistication of our human-made accomplishments.
Therefore, collaboratively as individuals and families, as communities and organizations, as entrepreneurs and business enterprises, and as governments and nations, we commit at RegenIOWA, along with our strategic partners, to train and teach ALL local and global farmers to transition to Regenerative Agriculture with Speed & Scale.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, caring and committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead